Tuesday, February 10, 2009

This is my shame face

So I've been hesitant to admit this... but I broke down and read the Twilight Series. I was home sick and in need of mindless entertainment. I was weak. I read all 4 books in 2 days. I really don't know why I chose those particular books. Maybe all the hype around them and the movie had me curious. I usually stay away from vampire stories because they seem unrealistic in a non-fantasy way. These are also young adult books which is another guilty pleasure of mine. Not sure why young adult fantasy is a soft spot for me. Maybe adult books try too hard to be serious and it's nice to have something that joyful to read instead of depressing.

So yeah... Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn - All by Stephanie Meyers. The books are about teenage romance that morphs into young marriage and parenthood in the middle of international vampire drama. The first book, Twilight was a guilty delight in the form of a teenage romance novel. It was like watching Gilmore Girls or The Notebook. The vampire stuff was interesting at times but mostly ridiculous. I really did enjoy her character development. Maybe I was just impressed there was character development. She made flawed, interesting even intelligent characters set in highschool without making everyone shallow and bratty. Well done Ms. Meyers. That is until you started writing the next book. New Moon felt out of place. The main male character Edward was almost completely removed. The angst gets notched up to toxic hormone levels and the main plot point is the world's most supernatural love triangle. I hate love triangles. I don't even really like triangles in general. At this point I don't really remember what Eclipse is about other than Edward trying to convince Bella to marry him after highschool. And then Breaking Dawn is just bizarre on a level I wasn't mentally prepared for. And by bizarre I mean half-vampire-babies-bethroed-to-Werewolves type of bizarre. Followed by an epic vampire battle that never really happens. So in conclusion, the books are well written and enthralling but in hindsight your left with highschool drama and bizarre story lines from a series of books that don't quite seem to belong together.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy your writing. You should do more of it. I'm pretty sure I enjoy it more than I would most of your reading choices. I look forward to the day that you write about a book that I would enjoy reading.
